Friday, March 28, 2025




CFSA cheer

Mission Statement

The CFSA Cheerleading's mission is to teach the fundamentals of cheerleading, as a sport with an emphasis on participation, sportsmanship, and physical fitness. CFSA is dedicated to providing a safe, fun and fair environment to encourage positive learning to children throughout the Cy-Fair ISD and surrounding areas. 

Cheerleading News


Cheer-Off 2024
Tickets sold online thru 10/27
Flowers sold online thru 10/26

Fall Cheerleading 2024 Registration is CLOSED

Our sideline cheer program is for grades K through the 8th grade (Fall 2024).  This program includes:

·      Cheering for their assigned football teams on game days (8 games)

·      End of season Cheer Off Competition.


Football Games take place at our Schiel Road Complex:

22515 Schiel Rd, Cypress, TX 77433

Game Times: Saturdays 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM


REGISTRATION COST BY GRADE DIVISION:    Registration is time stamped!!


(Fall 2024)


Cheers for Football Team Divisions


Registration Cost

April 13 – May 18


Registration Cost

May 19 – June 2

K – 1st


Flag Football



2nd & 3rd


Rookie or Freshman



4th & 5th


Sophomore or JV



6th -8th






·       Your cheerleader may cheer up a year or cheer down a year.  Please register according to the grade your child will be in the fall of 2024.  If you do have a request to cheer up or down, please note that in the notes section during your registration.

·       New Requirement: Proof of grade is now required.  A copy of your player’s school ID or report card from spring 2024 will need to be e-mailed to  Your player will not be placed on a team until this is received.



·      Uniform Fitting Dates: June 2, 2024 & June 8, 2024

·      July 20, 2024 – Coaches Meeting

·      Practices may begin – August 1, 2024

o   August is a critical month where skill sets are established, preparation for game sideline material is taught and choreography for Cheer Off routines are being developed and learned.  Please be prepared to start practicing the entire month of August

·      Division Technique Clinics (held at Cheer Factory):

o   August 9th – Senior Lock In

o   August 9th – Youth

o   August 11th – Mini

o   August 12th – Tiny

·      August 14th - Spirit Night – Local Table

·      Picture Day: Sunday, August 25, 2024

·      August 31st - CFSA at Rice University Football Game

·      Mandatory Sponsorships Due: September 3rd, by noon

·      September 18th – Spirit Night – Willies Ice House

·      October 16th – Spirit Night – Mia’s Table

·      Required mid-season coaches meeting – TBD October

·      November 9th, 2024 – Last playoff game

·      November 10th Cheer Off Competition at Cy-Ranch High School

·      November 24, 2024 – Superbowl 





REGISTRATION FEES INCLUDE:  Uniforms, bloomers, pom-poms, and the use of our fields and officials.  All other accessories are the responsibility of the cheerleader’s parent/guardian.


REGISTRATION FEES DO NOT INCLUDE: Please keep in mind that additional expenses will be determined per squad.  Examples of additional expenses may include: Team Hair Bow, Underlay and or Jacket, Backpack to carry cheer gear, Water Bottle, Chair for sideline games, Choreography, etc.  Teams routinely use Cheer Factory as their choreographer and that carries a fee as well.  These season extras could be anywhere from $200 - $300 per cheerleader.  We do encourage sponsorships and fundraising to help with any extra team costs.


SIDELINE CHEER SCHEDULES:  Football game schedule to be published in August.


PRACTICE SCHEDULE: Practice Days/Times/Locations are all determined by the volunteer head coach assigned to your team (usually on weekday evenings or weekends near your home). *We limit all our sports to 3 events per week - games and practices.


SQUAD FORMATION:  Squads are formed after football teams have been established. Just as football team formation, team are created by the area school your child is zoned to. This allows Coaches to facilitate practices in and or around your area for convenience.  You are not required to attend school in CFISD to participate. 

SQUAD SIZE: Cheer squads will be formed with a minimum of 6 cheerleaders and a maximum of 23. The squad sizes will be strictly adhered to. The size of the squads (6 to 23 cheerleaders) was created with a balance of maximizing the experience for all participants across the CFSA membership and the manageability / safety of the cheerleaders. Squads may be formed to exceed the maximum, with commissioner approval only. 

SQUAD PARTICIPATION & TIME COMMITMENT: Cheer is a Team sport and maximum participation is necessary for Squads to be successful.  Cheer squads will participate in a minimum of 8 football games. Top ranked football teams will move onto the play-offs and their cheer squads will participate with the team through the single elimination tournament. The top two teams in each division will compete in the Super Bowl, location TBD.

Prior to school starting, the team can choose to have up to 4 events per week. Events include practices and games. Once school starts, events are limited to 3 per week. The cheerleading season runs from August through late November. Games are played on Saturdays with possible make-ups during the week. Practices are held according to each teams’ schedule.

Cheer squads will also participate in a cheer off competition between the CFSA cheer squads. Please see the cheer off tab on the website for more information (


NOTIFICATION OF CHEER SQUAD ASSIGNMENT:  Squad Rosters will be released to coaches by the end of July.  Once the Head Coach receives the roster, he/she will contact the team and begin communication via the e-mail address listed in your child’s profile.


COACH SELECTIONCoach selection will be based on the criteria set forth by the Cheer Committee. Final approval from committee is then required to formalize the selection. Coaches are announced after team formations.  All Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches must register as coach in our system and will have a background check run.



·      A $300 Mandatory Sponsorship per team is REQUIRED to be submitted to the office. The Mandatory Sponsorship is separate from Voluntary Sponsorship(s) that can be collected and submitted to help cover a portion of TEAM related items.  Voluntary Sponsorships must be submitted to the office (same as Mandatory Sponsorships).  Team Mom’s will submit one Team Voluntary Reimbursement Form with all expenses and receipts to the office. CFSA will reimburse your team 80% of the total submitted (per tax rules).

·       Please review the Refund Policy prior to registering.  THE LAST DAY TO REQUEST A REFUND per CFSA refund policy ( is May 18, 2024.

·      Need registration help? Please e-mail for assistance.

Sideline Squad Formation

 The below table reflects the proper division that a cheerleader should be placed in based on grade in the FALL.

Fall Cheerleading  
Grades Divisions
K,1 Tiny Division
2,3 Mini Division
4, 5 Youth Division
6,7,8 Senior Division

Cheer squads are formed after football teams have been created. Once the football teams are in place, as many cheer squads as possible are created to provide a fun and full football/cheer experience for as many participants as possible. 

Cheerleader and football players are guaranteed to be placed on a squad / team. There is no guarantee it will be on their home school’s team.

Squad size:

Cheer squads will be formed with a minimum of 6 cheerleaders and a maximum of 23. The squad sizes will be strictly adhered to. The size of the squads (6 to 23 cheerleaders) was created with a balance of maximizing the experience for all participants across the CFSA membership and the manageability / safety of the cheerleaders. Squads may be formed to exceed the maximum, with commissioner approval only. 

Squad participation & Time commitment:

Cheer squads will participate in a minimum of 8 football games. Top ranked teams will move onto the play-offs and the cheer squad will participate with the team through the single elimination tournament. The top two teams in each division will compete in the super bowl at the Waller High School Football Stadium.

Events are limited to 3 per week. Prior to school starting, the team can choose to have 4 events per week. Events include practices and games. The cheerleading season runs from August to Mid December. Games are played on Saturdays with possible make-ups during the week. Practices are held according to each teams’ schedule.

Cheer is a Team sport and maximum participation is necessary for Squads to be successful.

Cheer squads will also participate in a cheer off competition between the CFSA cheer squads. Please see the cheer off tab on the website for more information.

Cheer Factory

CFSA Cheerleading is powered by Cheer Factory.

Thank you for your Sponsorship!

Cheer Factory

Cheer Committee


See the Committee Tab for specific roles and contact details for the 2024 Board members and Chair roles. 



Office Info

22515 Schiel Rd.
Cypress, TX 77433


Contact Info

Cy-Fair Fair Sports Assocation

Terms Of UsePrivacy Statement Admin Copyright 2025 by CyFair Sports Association
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